Workshops for organizations

All workshops are designed and delivered by Gabriela Casineanu, M.Eng, MBA, ORSC.
If you are interested in a customised workshop for your organisation, please send your request via Contact page. Examples of customised workshops:
Coaching Mentoring Relationships – full day interactive workshop delivered to 16 Mentoring Coaches of TRIEC’s Mentoring Partnership Program during the Professional Development Day
Attract Members with Social Media – delivered to the District 60 Toastmasters Conference.
Dealing with Cultural Differences – requested by Project Management Institute – Southern Ontario Chapter, Continuing Education

Attitudes for Effective Communication
Unlike other communication training received by individuals outside their team, all team members participate in this interactive and dynamic workshop. The System Coaching exercises help team members understand how the team’s efficiency is affected by their individual communication style. By the end of the workshop, the team members become more aware of their collaboration barriers, and how to overcome them for a more effective and sustainable communication and collaboration within their team.
The workshop facilitator creates a safe environment where opinions are openly expressed without blame and criticism, and encourages the participation of all team members.
(Even participants with a Marketing and Communication background learned something new)



Team Building and Leadership Development with Systems Coaching
This workshop for managers and team leaders introduces Systems Coaching concepts and techniques that lead to increased awareness about the dynamics of their team, and how to create a more supportive environment – which will have a positive impact on the team’s productivity.
Systems Coaching considers a team (system) more than the totality of its members, having an intelligence of itself. Through interactive and experiential exercises on case studies, the participants will learn how to tap into the system’s intelligence, in order to identify the root cause, find solutions and motivate the team members to implement them together.
During the workshop, the focus will be on understanding these new Systems Coaching concepts and techniques, not on the quantity of information delivered.



Dealing with Cultural Differences
Workshop designed for Project Management Institute – Southern Ontario Chapter, Continuing Education. It could be also customised for other organisations.

This workshop presents Systems Coaching concepts and techniques, and how they could be used to deal with cultural differences. Participants will leave with a better understanding of cultural differences, and their impact (positive and negative) on achieving project’s objective(s). They will also learn useful techniques for dealing with cultural differences, and how to harness the power of these differences instead of letting them affect their work and life.
The workshop contains presentations and interactive exercises on the following topics:
– Analogy between the Software development process and dealing with cultural differences
– Different aspects of cultural differences
– How to get the buy in of team members to understand and deal with cultural differences
– Four toxic behaviours that affect communication
– How to recognise and deal with cultural differences


How Limiting Beliefs Affect the Productivity and Business Growth
Whether you are a business owner and employee: through very hands on, practical and fun Coaching exercises you will learn the effect of the “thought-feeling-action-result” chain on your work performance, and how it affects the business in general.
Even the concepts introduced might sound familiar, our limiting beliefs keep us from implementing them. The workshop facilitates identification of those beliefs, introduces methods to replace them and accountability as part of the process.



Transforming Challenges in Opportunities
This workshop teaches participants a new way of looking at challenges: as potential seeds for new opportunities! It also shows the process of identifying those seeds, and brainstorm potential actions for growth. If limiting beliefs show up, its time to change them too!


Time Management from a System Coaching Perspective
Still struggling with time management? Attend this workshop to get a new perspective on time!
It will not only help you better identify your priorities and schedule your time, but it will make all your work be seen from a fresh and more effective perspective!


Using Social Media for Business Growth
Considering your organisation as a system (with specific objectives, strengths and needs), this workshop provides insights into how to:
– design a social media strategy specific to your business
– build credibility with social media and increase visibility
– overcome social media challenges and attract potential clients.



Preventing Conflict in the Workplace
This interactive workshop teaches participants new methods that could be pro-actively used in the workplace to avoid conflict, or even in the first stages of a conflict.
By not encouraging negative behaviours, these methods can become a valuable part of the workplace “toolbox”, to increase the team’s productivity.


Connecting the Dots
Whether you are a service provider or sell products, in this informative workshop you will learn:
– how workshops increase your visibility, and help gain people’s trust (and clients!)
– what to do before, during and after a workshop to ensure your business/organisation growth
– how social media fits into the big picture of growing a business/ organisation through workshops.



Using Coaching to Motivate your Members or Volunteers
Don’t know how to motivate the members/ volunteers of your organisation?
This workshop will introduce you to useful Coaching techniques that motivates and inspire people to action, and why these techniques are more efficient than others.